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Special Interest Links


Fun, interesting and helpful links to all things Fox Terriers!

Vic Mackenzie Artist
Foxy image with ball.jpg

Original artwork sketches by
           Vic Mackenzie 

Helpful Links,au


Australian National Kennel Council


Dogzonline for Australian National Kennel Council registered breeders with puppies and mature dogs.


Fox Terrier Facebook Pages

Smooth Fox Terrier Puppies and Older Dogs in Australia facebook page also featuring rescue dogs in shelters Australia wide. 


For more Fox Terrier pages search facebook for the many groups from Australia and Overseas. 











Dogzonline logo.png

Advice, Care, Demonstrations

Royal Canin Food and puppy care advice:


Petplan Insurance


Bow wow meow Insurance


Grooming Fox Terriers


Plush Puppy Products and Grooming



Check out you tube for other helpful training techniques for the Fox Terriers.


For further comprehensive information on the breed, check out the following:

Interesting Articles:

Boofhead at The Riverina 1950’s;pfmredir=sm&section=good-news&pfmredir=sm

Brisbane City Council Rodent Teams



Australian Breeders:

Grenpark Fox Terriers By C.E Milward

The Fox Terrier By W.R (Bill) Polley 


Other Authors & Books of interest:


The New Fox Terriers By Harold Nedell

 Fox Terrier By Evelyn Miller

All About Fox Terriers By George Frank Skelly

The Watteau Centenary 1909-2009

Tudor Crosthwaite and his Smooth Fox Terriers - The Bowden Terriers  

The Boreham Years –

A Monograph On The Fox Terrier (Smooth Coated and Wire)  By Sydney Castle, Partly RE- Written By Theo : Marples, F.Z.S and a new section on Wire-Haired Fox Terriers By Mrs. M.V. Hughes

Breeding Fox-Terriers By Sidney Castle

Fox Terrier Breeding  By Rosslyn Bruce

The Popular Fox Terrier By Rev.A.J. Skinner. B.A.

The Fox Terrier By Rawden B. Lee

The Fox Terrier By Williams Haynes

The Complete Fox Terrier By Irving C. Ackerman

Fox Terrier by Muriel P.Lee

Smooth Fox Terrier Activities By Austin Thompson

An Eye For A Dog – Illustrated Guide To Judging Purebred Dogs – Robert W.Cole

Showing Your Dog – A Beginner’s Guide – Elaine Everest

Plus many more!! so many out there, feel free to email us your favourite. Happy Reading!!



















A fun and favourite comic of ours is the smooth fox terrier sketches by Vic MacKenzie from California, US.

You can order Vic’s books directly through him on Facebook. Vic has kindly allowed us to share some of his sketches.

Current Books –

“What kind of dog is that?”

“A Tornado of Terriers”

“Dig the dog who found the gold”

Bill Poley Fox Terriers.jpg
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